Mr. Bhase, Founder and CEO of FAN Services-Metallurgical Laboratory, has over 35 years of diverse industrial experience in materials testing and analysis.

K.G.BhaseChief Commercial Officer
Mr. K.G. Bhase has been with the company since the inception of the company and looks after all the commercial aspects of the company covering following areas

P.M. PatankarSenior Metallurgist
Mr. Patankar brings in over 35 years of interdisciplinary experience. He has experience in various fields including Quality Control, Process Control, Production, Marketing, and Liason. He has also worked in steel plants for more than 10 years.
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FAN SERVICES - Materials & Product Testing
And it has some awesome features, premium sliders, unlimited colors, advanced theme options and so much more!
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Parijat P. BhaseTechnical Manager & Bussiness Development
Parijat has worked in different corporations spanning Global Software Companies, Manufacturing Industries and Scientific Labs. After completing his Master’s in Materials Science & Engineering from The University of Florida, USA, he worked as a Materials Engineer for a couple of years in the US Materials Testing Labs.

Hrishikesh P. BhaseMaterials Scientist & Business Development
PhD Thesis Title: Study of Supported Lipid Bilayers and Membrane Proteins Using Hyperpolarized Xenon-129 and Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy.

Anil G. JoshiSenior Engineer
Mr. Joshi has over 30 years of experience. Before joining FAN, he owned a non ferrous casting plant producing precision as well as heavy machinery parts.

Amita SambrekarLab Report Specialist
Amita looks after lab reporting system covering its maintenance and day to day operations, data management system, record keeping and other office related activities. Amita has over 12 years of experience and has notable contribution towards the organization.

Darshana AherLab Report Specialist

Rakesh PekhaleMechanical Testing Engineer

Vishwas S. BhorChemical Analysis Department
He brings in extensive experience related to analytical chemistry and serves in the chemical laboratory section. He has the expertise in elemental analysis of a wide range of materials including but not limited to aluminum alloys, brass and copper alloys, steels and other ferrous and non ferrous materials.

KhatodGardening Incharge
He looks after overall maintenance of the entire organization. He has 2 people working under him as assistants. He has been with FAN since past 12 years and has developed and maintained a good indoor and outdoor collection of plants, trees and medicinal herbs at our factory location.
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” Total Product Testing Customization To Achieve Your Product Testing Goals “

Dr. MIKE G. COBB Founder & Managing Principal
Mike Cobb, PhD, is responsible for program management in the areas of business growth and operations enhancement.

Parijat P Bhase Founder & Managing Principal
Parijat has worked in different corporations spanning Global Software Companies, Manufacturing Industries and Scientific Labs. After completing his Master’s in Materials Science & Engineering from The University of Florida, he worked as a Materials Engineer for a couple of years and wished to venture in the world of Entrepreneurship to pursue his dreams.

Dr. DAVIS LEEDirector & Chief Scientist
Davis Lee, PhD, is responsible for growing the technical practice as well as program management in the areas of business growth and technical development.

Mr. JAY DAVISDirector
Jay is the Chief Opportunity Officer of InnovaNet. A creative networker that recognizes unique opportunities, he is responsible for practice growth, business development and marketing activities and customer service.

Britt Herring Director
Britt has over thirteen years of experience in the chemical industry. She worked as a chemist and has real life experience in areas such as ink, plastics, rubber, fuel cells and failure and quality analytical testing on several types of products.